A Picture is Worth a Thousand Words
by Bill Garner © The Washington Times
View a slide show of protests, rallys and events.
Pictures from the Las Vegas Unite to Fight Summit, May 27-29, 2005
The Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) Expands, May, 2005
Baldwin Park riot by illegal aliens screaming 'go back to Europe', May 14, 2005
Protest at Atlanta MALDEF annual awards dinner, April 28, 2005
Rally organized by D.A. King across from the White House, April 25, 2005
Impromptu protest at Georgia state capitol, March 12, 2005
Protest at United Americas Bank in Atlanta, February 26, 2005
Christian Coalition of Georgia Panel Discussion, February 19, 2005
Protest at illegal Drivers License march in Doraville, Georgia, October 12, 2004
Protest at illegal Drivers License march in Atlanta, September 16, 2004
Protest at MALDEF fundraiser dinner in DC, June 16, 2004
Protest at MALDEF fundraiser dinner in Atlanta, May 6, 2004
On the border, March and May 2004
Tucson rally, March 6, 2004
Anti-American open borders protesters at Tucson rally
Atlanta rally, February 5, 2004
Protest at illegal Drivers License march in Atlanta, September 16, 2003
Illegal alien 'freedom ride', September, 2003
Citizens of Cochise County, Arizona, still are not safe
Even gated communities are not safe on the border
D.A. King's very own "secure"
Mexican Matricula Consular ID cards