Borderless Continent
This section first developed and posted in September, 2005
United States Sovereignty

Presidential candidate George W. Bush stated in August 2000 in a speech on Latin America in Miami Florida:
"...By nominating me, my party has made a choice to welcome the new America."
Our intentionally unsecured borders and our government's deliberate and unapologetic lack of enforcement of our immigration and employment laws is merely a necessary step to a much larger goal - a "New America" in a "North American Community."
A New America that would replace the traditional self-governing "Old America" for which our founders sacrificed and our grandfathers fought to pass on.
In March 2005, President George W. Bush and the leaders of Mexico and Canada announced the establishment of the "Security and Prosperity Partnership of North America." This represents the official public beginning of an ongoing series of agreements and implementations aimed at combining the economies, populations and cultures of the nations of North America into a borderless “North American Free Trade Zone”.
Think: "I pledge allegiance to the Continent and to the Commerce for which it stands."
Along with mass, uncontrolled immigration, legal and illegal, trade agreements are a favored tool in the transformation. The North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), the recently passed Central America Free Trade Agreement (CAFTA), and the upcoming attempt to put the Free Trade Area of the Americas (FTAA) in place would guarantee a unending “free flow” of goods and people across our traditional borders.
While most Americans expect to pass on to their children a nation of law, with defined, secured borders - and a common language, the Globalist elite who are actually making the decisions concerning our future have a far different America in mind.
In the summer of 2005, the Europeans were allowed to vote on the EU Constitution that would have codified the European Union and a common set of intrusive and socialist laws that would have governed member nations. Those laws would have been enforced.
The French (the French!) and the Dutch voted a loud and clear NO! ... and opted to keep what remains of their own freedoms and sovereignty.
The nearest we as Americans will get to a similar vote is when we go to the polls and elect our leaders.
Here, we respectfully point you to articles, news and organizations that make no pretense of hiding the agenda of open borders for the sake ease of increased profit. Or... the very real goal of eliminating American sovereignty in order to create a continental market place in which business replaces patriotism and the American citizens and middle class are the stuff of quaint history.
What would our grandfathers say? What will our children say if we allow this to happen?
Read D.A. King’s June 2006 Atlanta Journal Constitution column on the Borderless Continent, or see this AJC column with added informational links.
The underlying framework for the North American Union
Organizations and their agendas
Specific organizations, such as the Council on Foreign Relations, openly call for the merging of the United States, Mexico and Canada.
- Council on Foreign Relations (CFR): CFR's Plan to Integrate the U.S., Mexico and Canada, by Phyllis Schlafly, EagleForum, July 13, 2005
- Merger with Mexico, by Joseph Farah,, July 20, 2005
Security and Prosperity Partnership Of North America
"President George Bush, President Vicente Fox of Mexico, and Prime Minister Paul Martin of Canada unveiled a blueprint for a safer and more prosperous North America when they announced the Security and Prosperity Partnership of North America (SPP) on March 23, 2005 in Waco, Texas" - Trinational Call for a North American Economic and Security Community by 2010, Council on Foreign Relations website
- United Nations: Can the UN Really be Reformed?, by Congressman Ron Paul, June 20, 2005
- United Nations: U.N. group seeks control of Internet, by John Zarocostas, The Washington Times, November 18, 2003
- Pacific Council on International Policy: Envisioning North American Futures: Transnational Challenges and Opportunities
- World Trade Organization (WTO): What is the World Trade Organization?
Security and Prosperity Partnership of North America
Security and Prosperity Partnership Of North America
"President George Bush, President Vicente Fox of Mexico, and Prime Minister Paul Martin of Canada unveiled a blueprint for a safer and more prosperous North America when they announced the Security and Prosperity Partnership of North America (SPP) on March 23, 2005 in Waco, Texas"
The following Security and Prosperity Partnership of North America (SPP) documents were obtained by Judicial Watch under FOIA (Freedom of Information Act). These include:
Section I - SPP Contact Lists and Organization Charts.
Section II - SPP Regulatory Cooperation Symposium
Section III - SPP Meeting with Commerce Secretary Gutierrez, March 15, 2006.
Section IV - Launch of the North American Competitiveness Council (NACC), May 26, 2006.
Section V - Final Recommendations of the U.S. Section of the NACC.
Section VI - Launch of the NACC with SPP Ministers, June 15, 2006.
Section VII - NACC Documents
Section VIII - Prof. Robert A. Pastor’s Seminar on Building a North American Community, September 21, 2005.
See these videos:
- CNN- Lou Dobbs Outs Those Involved in the North American Union and Security Prosperity Partnership (SPP)
- CNN: W Bush fulfils his Dad's dream of a New World Order
- G Bush and CFR plan for a New World Order
More information on the SPP:
- Joint Statement by President Bush, President Fox, and Prime Minister Martin, by, March 23, 2005
- SPP Agenda
- SPP Report to Leaders, June 2005
- North American Union to Replace USA?, by Jerome R. Corsi, Human Events Online, May 19, 2006
- President Quietly Creating 'NAFTA Plus', by Jerome R. Corsi, Human Events Online, May 24, 2006
- The North American Union 'Matrix', part 9, by Steven Yates,, June 5, 2006
- North American Union Would Trump U.S. Supreme Court, by Jerome R. Corsi, Human Events Online, June 19, 2006
- Trinational Elites Map North American Future in "NAFTA Plus", by Miguel Pickard, International Relations Center, August 24, 2005
- Tancredo confronts 'super-state' effort - Demands full disclosure of White House work with Mexico, Canada, by Staff writers,, June 15, 2006
- Mexican trucks to enter U.S. freely?, by Jerome R. Corsi,, June 27, 2006
- Eagle Forum material on North American Union
- Also see articles listed below.
FTAA - Free Trade Area of the Americas: pending national disaster
Trade agreements are the instruments by which the globalists execute their plans for a New World Order. These agreements allow greedy corporate interests to exploit cheap labor in foreign countries with no regard for environmental protection and workers' rights. These agreements require the free movement of goods and people across our borders, while mandating that any objections be adjudicated by an international tribunal. In other words, American laws will be subordinate to decisions of an international tribunal.
These "trade agreements" are not simply about economics and trade, but are more about open borders and dissolution of national sovereignty as part of a New World Order. The Council on Foreign Relations has hidden in plain sight the stepping stones toward a New World Order, beginning with NAFTA, then CAFTA, then the pending FTAA. The Council on Foreign Relations globalists have been blatantly open about their plans and strategies, seeking to make an "end-run around national sovereignty, eroding it piece by piece" (The Hard Road to World Order, Richard Gardner, Foreign Affairs, Council on Foreign Relations, April 1974; here is another copy).
- Stop The FTAA. The real objective of the FTAA's internationalist sponsors is to accomplish the globalist goal of economic and political "integration" of the Western Hemisphere. If passed, the FTAA will virtually dismantle our nation's borders. President Bush has announced his intent of passing this trade agreement as quickly as possible.
- Comments of Public Citizen, Inc., On Trade Matters Related to the Free Trade Area of the Americas, September, 2000
- The Beginning of the End of the FTAA: Crisis Leads to Scaling Back, Punting Hard Decisions With No Instructions to Overcome Differences, Lori M. Wallach, Public Citizen, November 20, 2003
- Comments by Doctors Without Borders on Third Draft of FTAA Text, April 30, 2004
- Hemisphere, Inc. - If trade pact stays on course, 800 million people can say goodbye to democracy , by Dannah Baynton, Resource Center of the, May, 2001
CAFTA - Central American Free Trade Agreement
CAFTA was signed into law in July, 2005. It was soundly defeated in the House, but then passed in the House by only one vote in a questionable, if not flatly illegal, disregard of House voting rules to extend the voting period. It must also be pointed out that at least one no vote was incorrectly recorded as a yes vote.
- CAFTA vote story, by Kent Snyder, The Liberty Committee, July 29, 2005
- Amnesty for trade cheats, by Congressman Charles Norwood, June 17, 2005
- CAFTA's big secret, by Lou Dobbs, CNN, June 30, 2005
- CAFTA: Ideology vs. national interests, by Patrick J. Buchanan,, July 27, 2005
- Building a North American Community, Council on Foreign Relations, May, 2005
- There goes the neighborhood, by Phyllis Spivey,, July 22, 2005
- Does CAFTA include a visa?, by Rob Sanchez, July 11, 2005
- Will CAFTA Affect Immigration to the United States from Central America?, by
- CAFTA Squeaks by Senate, By Tiniest Margin Ever for Trade Bill in History, by Deborah James, Global Economy Director of Global Exchange, July 1, 2005
- CAFTA: Exporting American Jobs & Industry, by William Norman Grigg, The New American, published on, April 18, 2005
- Keystone to Convergence, by William Norman Grigg, The New American, published on, April 18, 2005
- U.S. Blocked Release of CAFTA Reports, by Assosiated Press, June 29, 2005
- CAFTA blamed for layoffs at Edenton textile plant,, December 3, 2005
NAFTA - North Atlantic Free Trade Agreement
NAFTA was signed into law in January, 1994. Really an investment agreement, its core provisions grant foreign investors a remarkable set of new rights and privileges that promote relocation abroad of factories and jobs and the privatization and deregulation of essential services, such as water, energy and health care. Ten years later, this radical experiment has demonstrated a race-to-the-bottom in wages, domestic and foreign job destruction, the undermining of democratic control of domestic policy-making and the gutting of health, environmental and food safety standards.
- Pat Buchanan was right about NAFTA, Speech to Congress by Representative Dan Burton, February 27th, 1996
- Bordering on CAFTA - More Trade, Less Immigration, by Mark Krikorian, Center for Immigration Studies, published in National Review Online, July 28, 2005
- North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), by Public Citizen
- NAFTA's Hidden Costs - Trade agreement results in job losses, growing inequality, and wage suppression for the United States, by Robert E. Scott, Economic Policy Institute, April, 2001
- Canada and the North American Free Trade Agreement
- The impact of NAFTA on wages and incomes in Mexico, by Carlos Salas, Economic Policy Institute, April, 2001
-, by Diego Cevallos, Common Dreams News Center, December 4, 2002
Energy and international trade
- End of the Binge - The exhaustion of our energy supply may end affluence as we know it, by James Howard Kunstler, The American Conservative, September 12, 2005
- Katrina, New Orleans, and Peak Oil by Richard Heinberg, Global Public Media, September 5, 2005
Council on Foreign Relations
- Council on Foreign Relations: Traitors, Erasing US Borders, by Lou Dobbs, CNN News, April, 2006
- Rightwing Senator Seeks Wealth Transfer from U.S. to Mexico, by Middle American News, September, 2005
- CFR Task Force Report on 2010 - See: 'What we should be doing now to prepare for 2010' section
United Nations
- The UN Plan for Global Migration, by Berit Kjos,, June 13, 2006
- Here Come the UN Army & Police, by Thomas R. Eddlem, October 17, 2005
- 'Hat in Hand,' on 'Bended Knee', by William F. Jasper, New American, June 28, 2004
- Disarming the U.S., Arming the UN, by William F. Jasper, The New American, June 28, 2004
The Undoing of America
- Building North America - The Impact of Economic Integration, website by North American Center for Transborder Studies (NACTS) at Arizona State University, with the cooperation of our Partners, the Americas Society-Council of the Americas, and the Kansas City, Missouri International Affairs and Trade Office.
Media blackout on the dangerous CFR, by Kevin Eggers, Napa Valley Register, October 28, 2006
Toward a North American Union, by Patrick Wood, August Review Volume 6, Issue 5, August 22, 2006
We encourage you to read the complete article - a well-researched presentation of the globalist destruction of the United States. - The undoing of America, by Frank J. Gaffney Jr., The Washington Times, September 5, 2005
- President Bush Addresses United Nations High-Level Plenary Meeting - commits to 'free flow of goods and services', White House news release, September 14, 2005
- July Fourth in Post-America, by Mark Krikorian, July 3, 2001
- Illegal immigration tarnishes America - A controversial Idaho county commissioner calls for blocking our borders, by Robert Vasquez, published on Tidepool, September 14, 2005
Informative articles
"Deep Integration": Timeline of the Progress Toward a North American Union, by Staff writers, Vive le Canada, December 20, 2006
- Judicial Watch Releases Pentagon Records From 'North American Forum' Meetings, by News release, Judicial Watch, January 29, 2007
- Plan for superhighway ripped as 'urban legend' - Congressman, DOT undersecretary disagree over threat to sovereignty, by Jerome R. Corsi, WorldNetDaily, January 26, 2007
- U.S. backs higher education partnership, by Staff writers, The Herald Mexico, January 21, 2007
- U.S.A.-Mexico Interdependence Continues to Grow, by Patrick Corcoran, Mexidata Info, January 29, 2007
- The Emerging North American Union – a Timeline, by Steven Yates, John Birch Society, January 19, 2007
- Lawmaker assails trade accord - He says deal may lead to elimination of borders, by Bob Bernick Jr. and Deborah Bulkeley, Deseret Morning News, January 17, 2007
- Congressman battles North Americanization - Introduces resolutions aimed at stopping SPP from integrating continent , by Jerome R. Corsi, WorldNetDaily, January 17, 2007
- Utah resolution to withdraw from the SPP, by Utah state legislators,, Utah state legislature, January 16, 2007
- Bush's Totalization Plan Threatens Social Security, by Phyllis Schlafly, Human Events Online, January 15, 2007
- U.S., Mexico, Canada 'harmonizing' policies - North American deep cooperation on many fronts already under way, reveals new official publication, by Staff writers, WorldNetDaily, January 15, 2007
- The truth about conspiracy theories, by Tom DeWeese, American Policy Center, Canada Free Press, January 11, 2007
- News release: North American Union Would Erase U.S. Borders, Replace U.S. Constitution, Destroy Standard of Living for Americans, According to New Book 'Fighting Immigration Anarchy', by Daniel Sheehy, Rooftop Publishing, January 10, 2007
- Residents of planned union to be 'North Americanists', by Bob Unruh, World Net Daily, January 5, 2007
- More Insults About the 'North American Conspiracy', by Jerome R. Corsi, Human Events Online, January 5, 2007
AIM Report: U.S. Borders: Going-Going-Gone!, by Wes Vernon, Accuracy in Media, December 22, 2006Has NAFTA Increased Labor Market Integration between the United States and Mexico?, by Raymond Robertson, World Bank Economic Review, December 6, 2005
- London stock trader urges move to 'amero' - Says many unaware of plan to replace dollar with N. American currency, by Jerome R. Corsi,, November 28, 2006
- Border wall meets formidable barrier, by James P. Pinkerton, Newsday, November 16, 2006
Video: N American Union Highway has Texas Candidates up in arms, Hank Gilbert (D-TX) and others speak on trans-continintal highway and constitutional right to defend property rights under the 2nd Amendment of the US Constitution.
- Letter: America in danger unless citizens step in, Letter by Joe Inglis, Gainesville Times, November 15, 2006
- Erasing borders in the classroom, by Julie M. Quist, Ed, November 2, 2006
- Continental Integration of Military Command Structures: A Threat to Canada's Sovereignty, by Michel Chossudovsky, Global Research, May 22, 2006
- Mexican diplomat urges a partnership, by Hernán Rozemberg, San Antonio News, October 30, 2006
- Security and Prosperity Partnership, by Geoff Metcalf,, October 30, 2006
- Bush Moves Toward Martial Law, by Frank Morales,, October 26, 2006
- Goode: no continental union, by Peter Hardin, Media General News Service, October 8, 2006
- Quietly, Quietly Building the North American Union, by Steven Yates,, October 5, 2006
- It’s Time To Revise The Strategy To Secure A Sovereign United States, by Doug Wrenn, Magic City Morning Star, October 2, 2006
- NAFTA Highway or new Silk Road?, William Hawkins, Washington Times, September 24, 2006
Getting closer to Uncle Sam - Public kept in dark as business leads talks about North American integration, Maude Barlow, NewsWithViews.comToronto Star, September 20, 2006
- Secret Banff Meeting of CEOs and the Defense Establishment : Militarization and the Deconstruction of North America, by ichel Chossudovsky, Global Research, September 19, 2006
- Bush administration in denial of 'North American Union', Tom DeWeese,, September 19, 2006
- North American Union - a Top Goal of Secretary of Commerce, Jerome R. Corsi, Ph.D.,, September 6, 2006
- Critic: Americans in danger of 'slavery' - Multiple superhighway plans, illegal immigration could destroy Republic,, August 31, 2006
- Harper Not Just Americanizing, But Abolishing Canada, Susan Thompson, Viva le Canada, August 31, 2006
- The NAFTA super highway, by Patrick J. Buchanan,, August 29, 2006
- Globalism's Toll Mounting for U.S. Citizens, by Phyllis Schlafly, Human Events Online, August 21, 2006
- Sabotaging U.S. Sovereignty, by Alan Caruba, The Conservative Voice, August 19, 2006
- Coming Through! The NAFTA Super Highway, by Kelly Taylor, New American, August 1, 2006
- Supreme Court Precedents Say Congress Must Make Immigration Policy—Not International Bureaucrats, by Juan Mann,, July 31, 2006
- Tax Authority for the United Nations, by Nathan J. Muller, For the Cause, July 31, 2006
- Dobbs: Why is the president ignoring our laws?, by Lou Dobbs, CNN Lou Dobbs, July 26, 2006
- Meet Robert Pastor: Father of the North American Union, by Jerome R. Corsi, Human Events Online, July 25, 2006
- Congressman presses on 'super-state' plan - Asks Bush administration to fully disclose its activities, by Staff writers,, July 20, 2006
- Feds stonewalling on 'super-state' plan? - Agency fails to respond to FOIA request on 'North American union', by Staff writers,, July 19, 2006
- Cornyn wants U.S. taxpayers to fund Mexican development - 'North American Investment Fund' billed as answer to illegal alien influx, by Joseph Farah,, July 13, 2006
- Bush Administration Fast-Tracks Formation of North American Union, by Jerome R. Corsi, Human Events Online, July 11, 2006
- What gifts will Harper bring Bush this time?, by Maude Barlow,, July 6, 2006
- Docs reveal plan for Mexican trucks in U.S. - Internal e-mails belie public statement, suggest aim to expand quietly, by Jerome R. Corsi,, July 6, 2006
- Kansas City customs port considered Mexican soil?, by Jerome R. Corsi,, July 5, 2006
- Feds Hide Social Security Deal With Mexico, by Dave Eberhart,, July 3, 2006
- SPP End Of USA. Oh, By The Way, Happy "4th Of July," Formerly Known As "Independence Day.", by Doug Wrenn, Magic City Morning Star, July 3, 2006
- The Cancun Summit Mandated The North American Union by 2007, by Jan Allen, Safe Haven, July 3, 2006
- More on ‘merger’: Three nations under God?, by Frank Miele, Daily Inter Lake, July 1, 2006
- The Bell Tolls for Canada, by Whelan Costen, Vive le Canada, July 1, 2006
- 'Flow freely' will erase face of U.S., by D.A. King, Atlanta Journal-Constitution, June 30, 2006
- Open borders, the SPP, the CFR and the POTUS - a coming North American Union?, by D.A. King, Atlanta Journal-Constitution, June 30, 2006
- Investors Push NAFTA Super-Highways, by Jerome R. Corsi, Human Events Online, June 30, 2006
- Borderless Continent now getting wide coverage, by D.A. King, The Dustin Inman Society, June 26, 2006 Elites Want U.S.-Mexico Merger—Hence The Flaw In H.R. 4437, by Juan Mann,, June 26, 2006
- CFR Making Moves on American Sovereignty - Council on Foreign Relations has influence on Bush & Fox; group suggests the 'Amero' be the new money of the Americas, June 19, 2006
- CFR/Bilderberg Plan To Erase US Borders Finally Gets Attention - Bush 'super-state' agenda to create American Union, by Paul Joseph Watson & Alex Jones,, June 21, 2006
- Bush 'super-state' documents sought - FOIA request filed to expose plans for 'North American union', by Staff writers,, June 20, 2006
- North American Union: Deconstructing the U.S., by Diane Alden,, June 16, 2006
NASCO Corridor - trans-continental superhighway / railway
- North American integration slides beyond probability, by Robert L. Bartley, El Financiero, June 11, 2006
- Mexican customs to be stationed in Kansas City - New 'inland port' in heartland part of international plan that bypasses unions, by Staff writers,, June 20, 2006
- New Multi-Modal Super Highway Planned By Bush, by Craig Huckerby, Soo News, Canada, June 19, 2006
- US divided by superhighway plan, by Craig Howie, The Scotsman, June 16, 2006
- Bush Administration Quietly Plans NAFTA Super Highway, by Jerome R. Corsi, Human Events Online, June 12, 2006
- Canada, the United States, and Mexico... a possible merger?, by Felicia Benamon,, June 21, 2006
- Winnipeg urged to forge ties with Mexico, U.S., by Craig Huckerby, Manitoba Trade and Investment, June 2, 2006
- The One World Order, by conquest or consent? part 1, by Deanna Spingola,, June 1, 2006
- Double vision - Bush's hopes for border defining policy, By Sara A. Carter, San Bernadino Sun, May 28, 2006
- Fox thanks Bush for effort on legislation, by Ginger Thompson, El Universal, May 28, 2006
- Fox calls Senate bill reward for Mexicans - Critics question the propriety of of some remarks, by, Houston Chronicle, May 27, 2006
- House GOP draws line on immigration - Leaders won't back Senate's citizenship plan, by Rick Klein, Boston Globe, May 27, 2006
- History is repeating itself : U.S. Senate says “Amnesty again”, by D.A. King, May 25, 2006
- Keep 'America' in Michigan schools - State bureaucrats want to do what Stalin, Osama could only dream about, by Michael Warren, Detroit News, May 24, 2006
- Bush border policy linked to Carlyle deal?, by Jerome R. Corsi,, May 23, 2006
- The Plan to Replace the Dollar With the 'Amero', by Jerome R. Corsi, Human Events Online, May 22, 2006
- United States of North America, by Steven Yates, New American, May 1, 2006
- The UN's "Borderless" World, by Joseph Klein, Front Page Magazine, April 24, 2006
- A look behind America's immigration nightmare, by Steven Yates,, April 20, 2006
- Job Destruction Newsletter - 2005 WTO GATS Doha Round of Negotiations, January 16, 2006
- US can't hide behind immigration at WTO: India, January 14, 2006 The Case Against Continental Deep Integration, by Bruce Campbell, Center for Trade Policy and Law, Canada, November 4, 2005
- Abolishing the USA, by William F. Jasper, The New American, October 3, 2005
- Connect the dots on the true goal of illegal immigration, by D.A. King,, September 6, 2005
- A Defense of Sovereignty - Jeremy Rabkin on some pressing questions, by Ying Ma, National Review Online, March 10, 2005
- U.S. Free Trade with Mexico -- Is It Progress or Self-destruction?, by John Culbertson, The Social Contract (Winter 2003)
- To Head Off Mass Migrations, Set a Global Minimum Wage, by Michael Ardon, International Herald Tribune, January 23, 2002
- The Case for the Amero: The Economics and Politics of a North American Monetary Union, by Herbert G. Grubel, Fraser Institute, January 1, 1999
Pro-borderless continent articles
- A Mexico-U.S.-Canada highway? Roll it out, by Robert P. Cady, Atlanta Journal Constitution, June 23, 2006
- Borders without visas - Let's live up to the promise of NAFTA and allow a free flow of people in North America, by Tim Cavanaugh, Los Angeles Times, May 23, 2006
- Open Nafta Borders? Why Not? - Immigration is what made this country great, by Robert L. Bartley, Wall Street Journal, July 2, 2001